
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Starting Now

First night of auditions down, and I am already sloppy with thanking the great folks who are coming out for this show.  Sitting behind the oversized tech table out in the house, I feel a little silly removed from the action, but it is a treat to be able to give actors the full stage deck to play.  I can also start to imagine the world a bit clearer as I start to see different possibilities with each audition. Happy times.

I'd also like to give a round of applause to the AIR CONDITIONER that makes working in the Mainstage space such a blessed relief in these puppy days of summer.  I expect that being able to breathe the cool air has to have a bracing effect on the auditioning actors - I've held auditions in the muggity-mug of Toronto summers before, and the heat can produce a languid torpor that actors have to deal with in addition to the not-inconsiderable stress of performing on demand.  Stay hydrated, people!

The evening was rounded out by a fun game of "what is that piece of furniture underneath that giant stack of other furniture?" on the second floor as the intrepid producers and I start to suss out the stock pieces for the set.  I am "doing" the set, and am quite committed to using as much stock as we can. The space is a cramped and crowded room full of old trunks and boxes.  Hey!  Why don't we just perform it in the second floor furniture storage?  Nah, the sightlines are terrible. 

One sleep then more auditions!

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